The Balancing Act ~ Repost


I wrote this post a couple of years ago and just reread it today. It struck me as good inspiration to take into the weekend. With all that is going on…we will need to keep our own Balance, in our own live, hearts, and souls so we can ride it out. I hope this post helps in some small way to achieving that. Many Blessings and So Much Love to You All!!


“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings.”  ~ Rumi

“You have to maintain a fine balance between hope and despair.”  ~ Rohinton Mistry

“What is joy without sorrow? What is success without failure? What is a win without a loss? What is health without illness? You have to experience each if you are to appreciate the other. There is always going to be suffering. It’s how you look at your suffering, how you deal with it that will define you.”  ~ Mark Twain

“Life is a balanced system of learning and evolution. Whether pleasure or pain; every situation in your life serves a purpose. It is up to us to recognize what that purpose could be.”  ~ Steve Maraboli


from the Desk of MarDrag:

I am quite sure everyone has heard some form of the saying, “Without dark there could be no light, and vice versa.” In his quote above, Mark Twain expands on that saying very eloquently. There are two sides to everything, then. There is a “light” side to everything, and there is also its shadow side. We are beings of light, yet we have our shadow side as well.


In this current crazy world, with so many distractions, disruptions and difficulties, we likely spend most of our time on either side. It has become more and more difficult to find the Balance between the two. Mostly we find ourselves in the height of hope or the depth of despair. Yet the place we would find our happiness and comfort is in the middle ground, the centerline of Balance.


It is a delicate sway to hover in the Balance of life. There are so many things that can tip us over to either side. And, I think, our vision and focus linger at either side, trying to define what we see and determine how to deal with it, good or bad. But, what if we altered our focus to see BOTH sides, to acknowledge that what is before us is a WHOLE of a thing, for surely it must be if it has two sides. Two sides always make a whole. To concede that there is a good side and bad side to everything, a light and dark side, a sun and a moon side…is to recognize that life is not as fragmented as we would perceive it, and, if we strive to recognize the whole of a thing in its entirety……then it would appear logical that in order to see that, we would have to be standing in the center of it, on the fine line of Balance. Right?


So…finding Balance is not so much an Act as it is a Perception. All we really have to do is acknowledge that there are two sides to every situation, difficulty, joy, or pleasure and, rather than dissolve into the ultimate depth of either side of it, we see the thing for its Wholeness and revel in the beauty of the Balance that keeps us steady.


If there is despair in our life, we can acknowledge that there is another side to it, and sway our perception to accept the whole of the picture, gaining the knowledge that there is another side to that despair and if we would like, we could find the Balance of it that would keep us steady until the lighter side is illuminated. By the same token, when hope and happiness are there, know that it has a shadow side, recognize that, to be grateful for its presence so that we are not disappointed when the shadow side appears. Nothing is always good and nothing is always bad. Life moves through different degrees of both.


Embracing the Whole is what will keep us in Balance…all the while reminding us that life is moving all the time and we will sway to one side or the other, but we do not have to lose our Balance, and we never need be broken apart, or left adrift. If we make Balance the point of our focus, our vision will cast wide and we will see life for ALL of its possibilities…and we will not get lost…or lose our Balance.


Monday Message ~ Repost


Good Monday Morning! And happy start to a new year and a new week. I have alot to write about for this new beginning, but for this morning, I have a repost that will hopefully help us begin to focus on what is going to help get us through this tough and confusing time. After our mid-week funnies, I will have new posts that, I hope, will help…so look for them later in the week. Today…and one day at a time…Be You and Shine! Blessings!


 I turn to the Rune’s today for the nugget of wisdom we will take with us into the week. As I draw “The Book of Runes” by Ralph Blum to me and plunge into the bag of stones, the Rune that comes to hand is:


Mannaz: “The Self”

Message (paraphrased): “The starting point is always with the Self. The essence is water. Only clarity, willingness to change, is effective now. A correct relationship to yourself is primary, for from it flows all possible correct relationships with others and with the Divine.

Remain modest – that is the Rune’s counsel. Regardless of how great may be your merit, be yielding, devoted and moderate, for then you have true direction for your way of life.

Be in the world but not of it. That is implicit here. And yet, do not be closed, narrow or judging. Remain receptive to impulses flowing from the Divine within and without. Strive to live the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way. Remember at all times what is coming to be and passing away, and focus on that which abides. This is the time of major growth and rectification and, as a rule, rectification must come before progress.

This is not a time to seek credit for accomplishments or to focus on results. Rather, be content to do your task for the tasks sake. This is more of a problem for those whose eyes are always on the goal than it is for those who have not forgotten how to play and can more easily lose themselves in doing the work, for its own sake. Herein lies the secret of experiencing a true present.

Balancing is called for now – the Self is required to balance the Self. Nothing in excess. Know thyself.”


from The Desk of MarDrag:

Of all the struggles we have in life, the greatest struggle is always with the Self. We have so many aspects of life that influence our thoughts and behavior, that we are constantly dialoguing with ourselves about what, when, who, how, and why. What Mannaz is telling us today is…that all of that “stuff” is not as important as the cultivating of the relationship of the Self to the Self. That should be our primary focus…because if our relationship to our Self is healthy and in Balance…then all else flows from that relationship, and flows “rightly”.

We are conditioned to think that if we just had “this”, or if “that’ would just happen, we would be content. With that as our focus, we are always looking outside and ahead of ourselves for something to make everything “right”. But that is a fallacy…for nothing can make us happy, content, and balanced…but ourselves and our relationship with our Self.


Mannaz says, “Be in the world, but not of it”…meaning…seek to know thyself with clarity and willingness to change and progress. Learn from the world around us, but do not become embedded in its confusion. Rise above the mundane and nurture the relationship with the Divine…whatever that means to us. Because it is there that we will find the answers we seek and the contentment too. And most importantly…the Balance. (Take on the task to connect or reconnect with our Spiritual exploration and work to aid us).


And finally…take on this task, and any task in life, for the tasks sake and not for the goal. It is in the doing the task that enlightenment and accomplishment comes…the goal is the reward. It is in focusing and being in the moment with our tasks that we experience the true feeling of being present in our lives…and we will not miss important clues and messages.


So the message today is…be present in every moment of every day, take life tasks on for the sake of the task and what we learn from it and how we accomplish it, and most of all…seek to cultivate, clarify, and focus on our relationship to the Self, which leads us to the Divine and Balance so that we can live our best life. Which is what we, ultimately, all seek.




Closer Than Farther



We all have “things” we are waiting for…events, plans, holidays, vacations, dreams to come true…etc. We even have negative situations that might loom or we know we are looking to come. I do, in fact, have one such very positive situation I am waiting for its conclusion to take place.  And then I can begin another wonderful adventure. And sometimes…shock!…I can get impatient.


But, something occurred to me over the weekend that caused me to look at it this way:

Every day, every moment, every thought…brings me one day, moment, or thought closer to what I am waiting for.


No matter what we are waiting for or looking forward to…impatience only makes it seem longer in coming. When we focus on the anxiety of waiting, and hoping for swiftness, and frustration that it is not happening in the time we wish it to…we are just adding to the anxiety and exasperation, making us edgy and cranky and cuts into our desire for daily inner peace.


If we can accept that everything comes in its own time when it is meant to, do our spiritual work for its conclusion, and relax into its inevitability…than we can retain that daily peace, let go of impatience and frustration, and stay balanced and focused on all the other things that need our attention.

Keeping the focus and belief on the outcome, goal, destination, or completion keeps us from getting entangled in impatience and wasting that energy…because what is coming will come whether we spend that time in irritation or peaceful belief.


So this is it: Every day, moment, breath…brings us ever closer to what we desire, dream, plan, or wait for. Spend that time in the belief and peace that it comes. And our quality of life gets ever richer.



About This Energy!


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I am writing this post as a bit of a message from me…no cards, Runes, or oracles today. Just me.

The current energy flow is knocking us around…tossing us like leaves on a windy day. We get up in the morning and try to be “normal”…but this energy that is permeating our world seeps in and begins to take over, and we are affected by it. With all that is going on around the world…this flow of energy is dastardly. Everyone is feeling it. And having a rough time managing through it. World events, weather, and personal woes have accelerated with this energy, and it “looks” like no matter what we do, it is difficult to rise above it. In my work these recent weeks, I find myself repeating and reinforcing the same message, reminding people of a few things that will help with this process, and encouraging everyone to stick to these things, to not allow the rampant forces to overwhelm us. I share those things here too, in hopes it will help in some small way.

The most important thing is…we do not have to allow this energy to take over our lives. Even though it is rampant and strong and permeating…we still have command over our Personal and Sacred Spaces…and we must not let this energy lead us to believe anything else. It would have us believe that we have no choice but to succumb to it…but that is not the Truth. And does not have to be “our” truth. Once we take this in and believe it, we can do something to reinforce our energy and personal power.

So, the first thing to do is…Cleanse and Get Grounded. Whatever your spiritual or religious beliefs, there are processes, prayers, meditations, and rituals for Cleansing and Grounding. Do them. Often. I have just such a process I teach, and do myself, and it helps so much. Just yesterday morning, I did my Cleansing process and felt and saw the sludge of negative energy cleanse from my system and aura…and I felt so much better for having done it. I then Grounded my energy with the Earth Mother, reset my Boundaries, and declared my Sacred Space clean and clear. I was able to go on the rest of the day Balanced and Centered. Even though “that energy” was still near, I was better able to keep it outside my Boundary and not allow it to overtake my day and mood or affect how I felt and related to others.

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Much of the angst we are all feeling is not connected to anything in our own lives. I have heard so many people say, “I don’t know why I feel this way, nothing is really wrong” or “I don’t understand why I can’t get out of this funk” or “I am crying all the time and I don’t know why”. Certainly, we all have issues in our lives to deal with…but with the enhancement of this negative energy, those things seem bigger and harder to manage. But, the real issue is…much of the negativity we are feeling is because of the global negative energy that is rounding this planet. If we can remember that…and Cleanse ourselves of it as often as possible…it will make our own issues easier to handle. And…it will press back on the global negative and help to change the flow.

Each time one person Cleanses, Grounds, and gets their Light shining again….it connects with another who does the same…and that gets the Light flowing again. It is so imperative that we do not let this dastardly energy win by allowing it to take residence in our lives. Yes, we must deal with it and the world’s problems and find solutions, etc….but we do not and must not allow it to become the norm. We must fight it…and fight it by using our Light and the tools we have to keep our own space, our own lives, our own hearts and souls clear. By doing this…we contribute to the collective Balance and Peace we all wish to see become reality. That reality begins with our own lives…and from there spreads and flows into the world energy.

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So, let us each consider and focus on what we can do to keep our own energy Clear and Grounded, which helps us to operate and be in our lives in a better way, which helps the collective. It is a ripple that begins with each individual. This is how we can make a difference right now, in our own lives and in the overall energy.

Stand in the center of the circle of our life as the Spiritual Warriors that we are, raise our swords, and declare that we shall vanquish this dastardly foe…one moment at a time…one day at a time…one Light circle at a time…and as each of those connect…we begin to build a circle of a far different nature…and Balance and Peace become possible.

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(If anyone wants to know about the Cleansing and Grounding processes I teach, please feel free to contact me at the email address on the contact page. There are two blogs about Boundaries posted last week if you would like to reference that process.)

Go out in your life today and be that True Self that you are no matter what is happening around you. Remember…our Core Self never changes…it is always there to support and guide us…even when we feel everything else has overwhelmed us. Be the Light Force that you already are. Be Brave and Compassionate and Steady. We WILL get through this…and we WILL get to a better place. Believe!

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And, from my Heart and Soul to yours, I send you Love, Light, and Support! May each of you be filled with Love and Peace this day!


Thoughts For The Day


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“For every negative experience that enters our lives, there is an equally positive experience that has or will enter our lives.” ~ MarDrag

“Try to remember this: to live, you need every experience. Some will come in glory and in beauty, and some in pain and what seems like ugliness. Life consists of opposites in balance.” ~ Marion Zimmer Bradley

“If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.” ~ Marcus Aurelius

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from The Desk of MarDrag:

When searching for quotes for today, these appeared together and made a pattern I could not ignore. So I am posting them together, as they follow each other so perfectly.

Experiences…and Balance. It is what Life is made of. But, when we are going through difficult experiences, it is often hard to remember that they are just temporary and that we have equally positive experiences that happen as well. It is called the Law of Polarity, and if we can put this law into practice, it creates a greater Balance in our lives. For it is true that, for every negative experience, there is the exact opposite positive experience that has either already manifested, or is going to come to be. So, we can know that we are never stuck by our experiences…and this helps us to manage through the difficult times. And promotes a Balance that makes our lives easier to enjoy through the good times and deal with the bad times.

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So too, the last quote fits here because…those very negative experiences that cause us pain impact us by the energy and attention we give them. If we see it as a crisis, then so it is. If we see it as a mere problem to solve, then so it is, and we can get back to Balance more swiftly. As the quote indicates…it is within our own Power of Reaction to decide whether a problem is insurmountable or the level of impact it will have on us. There is no problem without a solution. It is within our Decision and Reaction that it is determined how long or with what difficulty the solution comes.

We are Deciders. Once our Decision is made, life experiences can be managed and balanced with ease. So we must Decide how we choose to look at and react to Life Experiences. And know there is Balance, even when we do not see it.

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Monday Message ~ The Self


Good Monday Morning! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend enjoying the summer. For our Monday Message , I turn to the Rune’s today for the nugget of wisdom we will take with us into the week. As I draw “The Book of Runes” by Ralph Blum to me and plunge into the bag of stones, the Rune that comes to hand is:

M 1

Mannaz: “The Self”

Message (paraphrased): “The starting point is always with the Self. The essence is water. Only clarity, willingness to change, is effective now. A correct relationship to yourself is primary, for from it flows all possible correct relationships with others and with the Divine.

Remain modest – that is the Rune’s counsel. Regardless of how great may be your merit, be yielding, devoted and moderate, for then you have true direction for your way of life.

Be in the world but not of it. That is implicit here. And yet, do not be closed, narrow or judging. Remain receptive to impulses flowing from the Divine within and without. Strive to live the ordinary life in a non-ordinary way. Remember at all times what is coming to be and passing away, and focus on that which abides. This is the time of major growth and rectification and, as a rule, rectification must come before progress.

This is not a time to seek credit for accomplishments or to focus on results. Rather, be content to do your task for the tasks sake. This is more of a problem for those whose eyes are always on the goal than it is for those who have not forgotten how to play and can more easily lose themselves in doing the work, for its own sake. Herein lies the secret of experiencing a true present.

Balancing is called for now – the Self is required to balance the Self. Nothing in excess. Know thyself.”

M 2

from The Desk of MarDrag:

Of all the struggles we have in life, the greatest struggle is always with the Self. We have so many aspects of life that influence our thoughts and behavior, that we are constantly dialoguing with ourselves about what, when, who, how, and why. What Mannaz is telling us today is…that all of that “stuff” is not as important as the cultivating of the relationship of the Self to the Self. That should be our primary focus…because if our relationship to our Self is healthy and in Balance…then all else flows from that relationship, and flows “rightly”.

We are conditioned to think that if we just had “this”, or if “that’ would just happen, we would be content. With that as our focus, we are always looking outside and ahead of ourselves for something to make everything “right”. But that is a fallacy…for nothing can make us happy, content, and balanced…but ourselves and our relationship with our Self.

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Mannaz says, “Be in the world, but not of it”…meaning…seek to know thyself with clarity and willingness to change and progress. Learn from the world around us, but do not become embedded in its confusion. Rise above the mundane and nurture the relationship with the Divine…whatever that means to us. Because it is there that we will find the answers we seek and the contentment too. And most importantly…the Balance. (Take on the task to connect or reconnect with our Spiritual exploration and work to aid us).


And finally…take on this task, and any task in life, for the tasks sake and not for the goal. It is in the doing the task that enlightenment and accomplishment comes…the goal is the reward. It is in focusing and being in the moment with our tasks that we experience the true feeling of being present in our lives…and we will not miss important clues and messages.

So the message today is…be present in every moment of every day, take life tasks on for the sake of the task and what we learn from it and how we accomplish it, and most of all…seek to cultivate, clarify, and focus on our relationship to the Self, which leads us to the Divine and Balance so that we can live our best life. Which is what we, ultimately, all seek.

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The Point of Balance


“Your hand opens and closes, opens and closes. If it were always a fist or always stretched open, you would be paralyzed. Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expanding, the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated as birds’ wings.”  ~ Rumi

“The trick is to find the balance between the bright colors of humor and the serious issues of identity.”  ~ Wendy Wasserstein

“You see, we cannot draw lines and compartments and refuse to budge beyond them. Sometimes you have to use your failures as stepping-stones to success. You have to maintain a fine balance between hope and despair.”  ~ Rohinton Mistry

“What is joy without sorrow? What is success without failure? What is a win without a loss? What is health without illness? You have to experience each if you are to appreciate the other. There is always going to be suffering. It’s how you look at your suffering, how you deal with it, that will define you.”  ~ Mark Twain

“Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life.”  ~ Gregory Peck

“Life is a balanced system of learning and evolution. Whether pleasure or pain; every situation in your life serves a purpose. It is up to us to recognize what that purpose could be.”  ~ Steve Maraboli

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from the Desk of MarDrag:

I am quite sure everyone has heard some form of the saying, “Without dark there could be no light, and vice versa.” In his quote above, Mark Twain expands on that saying very eloquently. There are two sides to everything, then. There is a “light” side to everything, and there is also its shadow side. We are beings of light, yet we have our shadow side as well.

In this current crazy world, with so many distractions, disruptions and difficulties, we likely spend most of our time on either side. It has become more and more difficult to find the Balance between the two. Mostly we find ourselves in the height of hope or the depth of despair. Yet the place we would find our happiness and comfort is in the middle ground, the centerline of Balance.

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It is a delicate sway to hover in the Balance of life. There are so many things that can tip us over to either side. And, I think, our vision and focus linger at either side, trying to define what we see and determine how to deal with it, good or bad. But, what if we altered our focus to see BOTH sides, to acknowledge that what is before us is a WHOLE of a thing, for surely it must be if it has two sides. Two sides always make a whole. To concede that there is a good side and bad side to everything, a light and dark side, a sun and a moon side….is to recognize that life is not as fragmented as we would perceive it, and, if we strive to recognize the whole of a thing in its entirety……then it would appear logical that in order to see that, we would have to be standing in the center of it, on the fine line of Balance. Yes?

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So…finding Balance is not so much an Act as it is a Perception. All we really have to do is acknowledge that there are two sides to every situation, difficulty, joy, or pleasure and, rather than dissolve into the ultimate depth of either side of it, we see the thing for its Wholeness and revel in the beauty of the Balance that keeps us steady.

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If there is despair in your life, acknowledge that there is another side to it, as we all know, and sway your perception to accept the whole of the picture, gaining the knowledge that there is another side to that despair and if you would like, you could find the Balance of it that would keep you steady until the lighter side is illuminated. By the same token, when hope and happiness are there, know that it has a shadow side, recognize that, to be grateful for its presence and embrace and enjoy it, but also so that you are not disappointed when the shadow side appears. Nothing is always good and nothing is always bad. Life moves through different degrees of both.

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Embracing the Whole is what will keep us in Balance…all the while reminding us that life is moving all the time and we will sway to one side or the other, but we do not have to lose our Balance, and we never need be broken apart, or left adrift. Make Balance the point of your focus and your vision will cast wide and you will see life for ALL of its possibilities…and you will not get lost…or lose your Balance.


Thoughts For The Day

Thoughts Clutter

“Clutter causes stress, and clutter is one of the main barriers of productivity.” ~ Charisse Ward

Thoughts Organize

“When I cannot bear outer pressures any more, I begin to put order in my belongings… As if unable to organize and control my life, I seek to exert this on the world of objects.”~ Anais Nin

MarDrags’ Thoughts:

The messages coming through this week have been about being in a holding pattern or stalemate, choices, and commitment to ourselves. These two quotes really caught my attention because we have also been hearing that, while in this phase, we should use the time to explore our soul and shadow side and “clean up” anything that needs to heal or has been holding us back. So, if there is internal clutter…get it organized. Everything around us may be chaotic and confused…but we do not have to internalize it. And, we can certainly transform it by digging in, organizing, and setting things to rights. Thoughts, fears, doubts and all. When we take the time to do this, we create a different energy swirl, and it helps us back to balance and productivity. Commit to clearing the clutter…in both your surroundings and your inner self. From this, new perspective comes clean!

Thoughts Meaning

“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. You are the answer.” ~ Joseph Campbell

MarDrags’ Thoughts:

We are all, at some point, looking for the meaning of Life. But this quote made sense to me in that, Life of itself holds no meaning. Life is just what it is, Life/Living. But it is we who give whatever meaning it has to Life. And, what we bring to that Life, how we decide to live and what choices we make, lends the meaning to our Life. We could sit on the couch and never move…and still have a Life. But it is what we do when we get up off that couch and begin moving around in our Life that gives it purpose, meaning. We are the answer to our question “What is the meaning of Life”. It is that simple. We are the meaning.

Thoughts I Am

“I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.” ~ Author Unknown

MarDrags’ Thoughts:

This quote is so important. Take a look…the life we are living today is because of choices and decisions we made in the past. Our future will form based on the choices and decisions we make today. Past choices cannot be changed, but we can look deeper, pay more attention, and focus on the details of the choices we make in the present…so that our future self will thank us for being so alert to what is the best for us. Even tomorrow is the future. Think about it.


A Friday Message


This past week the energy has been very tense. Everyone seems to be feeling it. Everywhere I go and everyone I speak with, as well as my clients and myself…are feeling this taut and stressful energy. And we are having a tough time of moving through it. Whether you believe in this sort of thing or not…in my quest to seek the source of this discomforting energy…I found the planets are in a ruckus, with Mercury having gone retrograde a few days ago. I have a certain “connection” to this little planet and its retrograde antics since, maaaaany years ago when I was bartending, I was introduced to its power when I bent down to grab a wine bottle and came up to the drawer of the cash register slamming into my forehead and knocking me out. I was told at the time by someone who follows planetary alignment, etc., that it happened at the very moment of retrograde. Thanks for the message Mercury! I made it a life task to always know when Mercury was on the move.

But, if planetary alignment is not your thing…there is still something very wicked about the energy this week. I have been encouraging everyone to keep taking deep core breaths, staying as balanced as possible, and when the feeling gets too intense…go within and cleanse your energy. However it works for you.

So, it is no surprise that this morning I felt compelled to seek a message from one of my tools to see if we can find some further enlightenment. I was drawn to my deck “Medicine Cards – The Discovery of Power Through The Ways of Animals” by Jamie Sams and David Carson. It seems the animal kingdom has some wisdom to impart  – and the card that came to my hand is:

Frog 1

FROG ~ Cleansing ~ “Bring In The Water, Tears Cleanse Your Feelings, Refill With Well-Being”

Message (paraphrased): “Frog medicine is akin to water energy. Frog teaches us to honor our tears, for they cleanse the soul. All water rites belong to Frog, including all initiations by water. If Frog hopped into the cards today, it may be calling in the cleansing you need. If you were to look at where you are today, would you use any of the following words to describe your condition: tired, overloaded, harried, frustrated, guilty, itchy, nervous, at a loss, empty, weakened?

If so, take a break and allow yourself to bathe in the waters of Frog medicine. This could mean a long, relaxing bath, disconnecting the phone, “yelling” stop, or taking in deep, cleansing breaths. The key thought is to find a way to rid yourself of distractions and to replace the mud with clear energy. Then replenish your parched spirit, body, and mind. Call to Frog and find peace in the process of cleansing to contribute to your new state of serenity and replenishment.”

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from The Desk of MarDrag:

Well, I called that one a bit didn’t I? LOL! When the energy gets this intense, and there does not seem to be a way around it, the best thing to do is hunker down and go within and take care of the Self. We are the ones that have to get through it, and we should nurture and give ourselves the attention we need to maintain until we pass to the other side of that energy.

Take those deep, core breaths…the ones that you inhale past your chest and into your belly. Hold it there a few seconds…then exhale…and as the breath leaves you, imagine all your stress and tension leaving your mind, body, and soul. Do this frequently and keep cleansing that tension. And, take opportunities to “go to the water”…whether it be a long, relaxing bath or shower, swimming, or going to a body of water…as well as drinking lots of water to flush the physical tension. And also…those therapeutic tears…let them come. Let those jewels of teardrops escape, drip from your lashes, roll down your cheeks and splash on your clothes. It is OK! Let them come and cleanse you of all that is causing your tension. Feel the sweet release as you breathe through it. We all feel better after a good cry…and there is nothing at all wrong in allowing ourselves that moment.

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Now…after your cleansing and release…do not forget to fill yourself up with something that will replenish your spirit, mind, and body. Do something nice for yourself, eat a treat, meditate, whatever means something to you that fills you up with well-being and pleasure.

I am not sure just how long this phase of energy will last…but we will get through it. Keep the Focus on cleansing, balancing and replenishing and let the rest of it work itself out. Frog says…flow through it.


Tuesday Affirmations ~ Rejuvenation


It is “Affirmation Tuesday”…and the card I pulled is perfect as it relates to something I wrote in yesterday’s post. I mentioned the importance of cleansing, grounding and balancing and how a simple daily…or as often as possible…practice can make such a difference in our perspective, mood and attitude, and tolerance of life. As it happens, the card that flew into my hand this morning, from the “Gifts of Affirmations” deck by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber is:

The Gift of Transformation: I Take My Time To Rest, Relax, and Rejuvenate

Message: Use this gift when you are hurried, pressured, overworked, or cannot take time for yourself. No matter what your situation, you will handle any challenge better if you are well rested, fit, healthy, and take time to do the job correctly. Do not let exhaustion and self-reliance turn into an accident, injury or illness. Enjoy life more.

from the Desk of MarDrag:

This is an affirmation with a message that is close to my heart, body and soul. Because, you see, I only learned the importance of its message in, of course, the hard way. I went through a period of my life where I did not give the importance of Rejuvenation enough attention, and it had repercussions on my life and health.

Those events did force me to take a good look at myself and how I was living my life and I completely understood that it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I learned that “spending” myself taking care of and working for everyone else, without taking care of myself, was not the quality of life I needed or deserved. So I set about changing that dynamic.

That was a long and hard lesson about tending to my mind, body and spirit. I would save you all from any similar lesson by telling you…Don’t Forget To Tend To Yourself. Don’t put it off, or use up every last minute of your day so there is none left for you. For what are our lives for if not to live them as we are meant to, and find some happiness, pleasure and peace in that? Make yourself important enough to consider your own needs. It does not mean you take away anything from anyone else…it means you include yourself as an essential part of that list.

There are many different ways these days to center, ground and balance…so seek what works for you. I have my own process…which I also teach others in my work…and it is a wonderful way to get balanced and does not take long. If any of you would like to hear about it, let me know.

But my main concern…is that you find a way to take even 15 minutes out of your day and Breathe Deeply, close your eyes, release the build up of tension, cleanse of negative energy, ground to the physical, and then seek the calm and balance that is always within you…it just gets buried by everything else in your day.

You will be amazed at how great you feel…how much more energy you have…how your mood lifts, and your attitude changes. You will find you function so much better than you could have imagined. You will have more compassion and tolerance for yourself and those around you. And we ALL need that, this world needs more of it…so if you can contribute to that simply by taking care of yourself…well then…you are a true Spiritual Warrior, helping to save even a tiny piece of the world.

Start with yourself! You really do deserve it!
