“Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


Holidays are upon us, so that is a good reason for a little humor and comic relief. So take a deep breath…and laugh those calories off. A few holiday gems and a little of the regular. Enjoy! Blessings!








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Do You Believe In Magic? ~ Repost


I have wanted to repost this post for awhile now, as I have seen in my stats that so many people are searching it out and reading it daily. It is a tough world out there…especially now…and we cannot let go of or forget that there is still Magic to be had…mystical things that light up life and guide us…things beyond what we see right before our eyes. It must be, for the alternative is bleak. So, keep that Magic alive within you and in your world. And let it spread to light your life and the lives of others. Blessings!



“I do believe in an everyday sort of magic — the inexplicable connectedness we sometimes experience with places, people, works of art and the like; the eerie appropriateness of moments of synchronicity; the whispered voice, the hidden presence, when we think we’re alone.”  ~ Charles de Lint

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places.”  ~ Ronald Dahl

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”  ~ W.B. Yeats

“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there’s no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”  ~ Laini Taylor

“Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.”  ~ Nora Roberts

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.” ~ Goethe

“That’s the thing about magic; you’ve got to know it’s still here, all around us, or it just stays invisible for you.”  ~ Charles de Lint


from the Desk of MarDrag:

Do you believe in Magic? Do you believe there is energy around us, pulsing and moving and creating? Do you believe in the Magic of Belief? Or the Magic of Love…or the Magic of the Heart and the Mind?

I think, that in this chaotic and distressing world, we can lose sight of the Magic that exists, that Magic we believed in and saw in the world around us, as a child. That Magic that we created our dreams with. A child sees with unclouded eyes, with innocence that what it sees is undoubtedly true and real, even in their imagination. That is how dreams are born and manifest.  As we grow and experience more of the world, and its harshness, we lose so much of that innocence and ability to believe that there IS Magic all around us and that we can have it in our lives. If we just recognize it, as we look at the Magic of Nature. Or listen to the Magic of Music. Or feel the Magic of falling in love.


But, there is also the Magic of Will, of Belief, of the Heart and of the Glowing Light within us that helps us create the life that we so desire. Or Will a solution to a problem to manifest. Or have the conviction that something we desire will come to us. Or even just the Magic of a Smile, to lighten someone’s day.


Today, if even just for a moment, look around you and see if you can spot a bit of Magic and focus on that, draw it to you, feel the tingle of that something that is outside all practical thought. Just for a bit, open that part of yourself that dares to see past the severity of life to the enchantment and charm of possibilities when you tap into the Magic of Life. It is there. That glittering sense that there is so much more to what we see than what we see.


Magic is everywhere…don’t forget to look. And when you look…Believe in what you see. And when you Believe…amazing things will happen.



EGBOK ~ Really! ~ Repost



Did reading that make you giggle just a little bit and say whaaa…? It has a good sound, like something you want to repeat a couple of times because it rolls off your tongue in a cheeky kind of way. (See what I did there?) Anyway, I learned this at a self-help seminar many years ago, when they were all the rage, but it stuck with me and I have used it many times over the years. I do not know if there is an “author” or inventor of this little gem to give credit to, I do not know the origin of it, but if there is, consider yourself credited and thanked for this little quip that may sound funny but carries a potent message. It seemed a good thing to say today.





Repeat this affirmation as many times as you need to today…and pass it on. It is easy to say when you can’t get all the words out yourself. And, it can make a difference.




And Believe in the


of Hope, Love, Unity, Kindness, and Patience.

Blessings and Love to You All!!

“Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


Well…we do not need a reason for needing this humor post this week, do we? So take a few minutes to block out the world, stroll down Laughter Lane, and have a hearty guffaw at some of these gems. Be Steady, Be Love, Be You! Blessings!











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Change and The Catalyst



As I thought about writing this blog, the first one after a major shift in our worlds, I was unsure exactly what to say. Emotions are running high…as well as low…and uncertainty has become our bedfellow. We are faced with a path whose identity we do not know and we are about to take many unsure steps in a landscape we cannot yet see. It is unsettling…and we are not sure what to do with it all.

I wanted to write more of what I and a host of other wonderful and magical blog writers have been saying…which is the absolute truth…and that is to stay Peaceful, come from Love, and have Patience. It is so important that we make these three things our primary focus going forward. Just because what has happened has happened…does not mean we do not have Power in the situation. And we should not give up that Power in despair or loss of hope. There is always Hope and Action.

But then something else occurred to me, and it helped with my own process through this field of emotions.


We have all been saying for a long time we need this world to change, that we are headed for disaster if we don’t, and that we want to see the world living in Harmony, Love, and Prosperity. Things have been going from bad to worse…and we need to find a way out of it. So, what happens when major change needs to occur? When there is a buildup of energy, as in a volcano, or in ourselves for that matter. Think about what happens when we feel frustrated or angry but nothing happens or changes and the energy builds, and builds within us until we feel we can no longer contain it. Then someone says something or something happens and…we release it, or explode. The issue gets out and we deal with it, fix it, handle it and our emotions…change occurs…resolution follows…and it is better for the happening.

So when something needs to change but it is not happening…something else has to come along and nudge it…and then it can blow open to be acknowledged, accepted, and handled and changed. That “something” is called a Catalyst.


And almost no one, almost never, likes the Catalyst.

The Merriam Webster dictionary gives a definition of a Catalyst as: “an agent or event that speeds significant change or action; a person or thing that precipitates an event

When we call for Change, big Change…the Catalyst forms to induce that Change. We mostly never know what the Catalyst will be…and again…we never like the Catalyst…for it is always adverse in order to create movement. There has to be friction to create movement. And a Catalyst to induce movement and Change.


So perhaps we can look at the current situation as the Catalyst that precipitates great change…and make sure that the change is what we want it to be. What needed to Change has been blown wide open by a Catalyst we did not expect. It can be frightening being in the path of a Catalyst, especially at this level. BUT…with the door wide open…this is our opportunity to put into action all of the things we have been talking about and fill that space up with Love, Light, Peace, and Prosperity. In whatever way we can.



Absolutely everyone has their special gift…now is the time to use it, to be your authentic self and pour it into the world. Fill this wide open space with all those things we want and need in our world. This is what we are here for. This is our moment. Who knows what can happen if everyone does this and the energy gets moved by it. Think about it. It can Change! And then…absolutely anything can happen.


There is Hope…there is Love…and there is Action. Let us move forward in Hope, Love, and Positive Action.


Blessings and Love To All!

“Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


Hey, hey, hey…guess what day it is? Well, it’s not that day…but it is THAT day…so I am posting my humor blog early this afternoon instead of late tonight/tomorrow. We all need some good comic relief right about now…so I am calling on Hump Day early. There are some good chuckles here, so let that laughter wash through you and carry your good humor, love and light with you through the day and after. Blessings and Love to All!













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Stay Steady~Think Peace~Be Love


I am going to leave this blog up through tomorrow, with an added message to Stay Steady on your path to the Light. Do not let the negative or hostile energy sway you from what you know is true and what will help and save us. Which is Love, Light, and Peace.

Stay Steady in Love…Stay Steady in Thoughts for Peace…Stay Steady in your Light!!

Blessings and Love to All!


As we move into this weekend and next week, tensions are high and we are all thinking about what the future holds and how we are going to navigate through it all. Certainly, no matter what happens, there will be an onslaught of energy.

But also…no matter what happens…we have the power, our Personal Power…to have our immediate space and surroundings filled with what we wish it to be. We all have our Personal Space, radiating about 3 feet out and around us. Let us draw a boundary around that space and declare that within it…we will think and feel only Peace and Love. We may not be able to “get everyone” to think this way…but we can get ourselves to do so…and create the energy with which we can remain Steady…in Peace and in Love.


If each of us do this…that Peace and Love will touch the next one and grow, then touch the next one, and grow ever wider, and can then spread across the landscape and reach others. We must not allow the dark and negative energy to permeate us and cast us off our path or dim our Light.



So…no matter what…think Peace…and Be Love. It is the only thing that will keep us Balanced, Steady, and Moving in the Right Direction. Even when it looks like everything else is falling apart.




Stay in Peace…Be Love. Blessings!

Inspiration for a Thursday~Repost



I found this list called “7 Lovely Logics” and just love what they say. I do not know who wrote them or put them together, the author is listed as “Author Unknown”, but I wanted to share them with you, as there is great wisdom in each one. There is so much going on in our world right now, so I hope these will bring you some inspiration to face these days to come. (FYI – the numbered statements are by the author, the comments under them are written and added by me.)  Blessings!

“7 Lovely Logics”

  1. Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present.

The present is called the present because it is a gift. If we are always focused on the past, we cannot see the blessings of today. The past belongs in the past, make peace with it and let it go. It can only affect our present if we allow it to by bringing it into the now. Actually, the past wants to be left alone. It knows where it belongs.


  1. What others think of you is none of your business.

Let people have their opinions, thoughts and judgments about you without needing to control or “fix” them. It simply does not matter. What does matter is what you think of yourself and the integrity with which you view yourself. The rest is not your business to deal with.


  1. Time heals almost anything. Give time some time.

We have all heard this one before, but in this time of instant gratification, we expect everything to happen “now” including healing of our hearts and souls. Sometimes, things just take time, and we need to have the patience to allow healing to happen in the time that it needs. That will also allow us to recognize the progress as it happens so we can acknowledge it learn from it. We must not go from A to Z and miss all the steps in between. If we do, we will just have to repeat the lesson/healing until we allow ourselves to see the entire process and learn the lesson it was supposed to teach.


  1. No one is the reason for your happiness – except yourself.

No one else can make us happy. They can add to our happiness, but true happiness comes from deep within us and stems from how comfortable we are with our chosen way of life.


  1. Don’t compare your life with others, you have no idea what their journey is about.

We are each individuals with our own lives, challenges and roads to walk. Each life is unique, and like no other. We cannot ever truly know what is in another’s heart or soul, nor can they know ours. We never know exactly what someone is going through, just what they show us. So don’t compare your life with anothe’rs…you are unique. Focus on you!


  1. Stop thinking too much. It’s alright not to know all the answers.

This is a really good one, because we expect ourselves to be brilliant and know all the answers all the time. The simple truth is, we don’t. And that is ok. Lighten up on yourself. And remember, you may not know everything, but you are a genius at what you do know.


  1. Smile – you don’t own all the problems in the world.

We tend to think that when things go wrong, we are somehow responsible for it, no matter what it is. And we want to fix it. At the very least, we chastise ourselves for things that we cannot possibly be the cause of, or for not knowing how to solve things. So smile, and know that you are only responsible for what happens in your immediate space. Let the rest take care of itself. If you can contribute to a solution, then absolutely do so, but don’t carry it all on your shoulders.



“Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


I am a bit under the weather, so it was great finding so many good funnies for the humor blog this week. I needed the laugh…and I know you do…so enjoy. And don’t foeget how amazing you are along the way! Blessings!


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