Now and Then or There



This quote spoke to me today as I have been having conversations about the current state of affairs, the uncertain future, and the need to stay centered through it all. So much easier said than done. But, let us consider the most basic nature of the quote…simply that only now, this moment, is real. What has passed has already happened and the future has not happened yet, so the Now is the only place to focus.


Here are my thoughts…Now is the one full of possibilities. Now is happening as we speak, so we can fill it, decide about it, moment to moment.


If we focus on those possibilities…not on what we perceive to be the inevitable future…then there is the opportunity for Change.


Even if we don’t “know” what all those possibilities are, they are still there, waiting to be sought and discovered. As long as there is hope and time, which we always have because we live in the Now, then there is the possibility for something different to occur.


We just need to be open to the thought that it can be different. Not leave our thoughts mired in that false inevitability.


* In the blink of Space between Now and the Inevitable or Future…Change can happen.


Perhaps we should turn our focus to that blink of space, rather than the past or future, and place all our hopes, needs, and desires there…where those possibilities for change live. What might happen then?


I don’t know…what do you think?

Blessings and Love!


Just For Today…


…One day at a time…everyday…


No matter what is going on, in or around us…our core center where Peace, Love and Personal Power, and our own Sacred Space lives…is ALWAYS there for us. Never forget, that even though it may get buried under so many mundane things…this core we have, this special place…never leaves us. It is permanent..and there to Steady us, Ground us, and help us stay Balanced and Centered.

So…just for today…and one day at a time…go there…and stand in the Center of your True Self…and find Peace.


From The Heart



Sitting down to write this blog for the weekend, my mind and heart is full of woe for the state of things on our little planet and the suffering of those who inhabit her. The news is full of it (literally), yet…I am the ever hopeful, sadly optimistic creature I have always been…and I want to reach out and say…it does not have to be this way. There is so much whirling ‘round in me, wanting to spill out into words, but their eloquence would be lost in the wave of emotions I am feeling. So, I went searching in past posts for the articulation I could not muster today…and found what I want to say in pieces of several different past blogs. Some of them you are reading…as I see from my stats. So, I decided to take excerpts and combine them into this post.

I hope, with a loving heart, that you hear and feel what I so fumblingly and awkwardly want to convey and that these feeble but well intentioned words will soothe and inspire and warm you…for that is my most ardent wish. With Deepest Blessings and Love to all!


About This Energy”:

The current energy flow is knocking us around…tossing us like leaves on a windy day. We get up in the morning and try to be “normal”…but this energy that is permeating our world seeps in and begins to take over, and we are affected by it. With all that is going on around the world…this flow of energy is dastardly. Everyone is feeling it. And having a rough time managing through it. World events, weather, and personal woes have accelerated with this energy, and it “looks” like no matter what we do, it is difficult to rise above it.

The most important thing is…we do not have to allow this energy to take over our lives. Even though it is rampant and strong and permeating…we still have command over our own Personal and Sacred Spaces…and we must not let this energy lead us to believe anything else. It would have us believe that we have no choice but to succumb to it…but that is not the Truth. And does not have to be “our” truth. Once we take this in and believe it, we can do something to reinforce our energy and personal power.

Cleanse and Ground: Each time one person Cleanses, Grounds, and gets their Light shining again…it connects with another who does the same…and that gets the Light flowing again. It is so imperative that we do not let this dastardly energy win by allowing it to take residence in our lives. Yes, we must deal with it and the world’s problems and find solutions, etc…but we do not and must not allow it to become the norm. We must fight it…and fight it by using our Light and the tools we have to keep our own space, our own lives, our own hearts and souls clear. By doing this…we contribute to the collective Balance and Peace we all wish to see become reality. That reality begins with our own lives…and from there spreads and flows into the world energy.


Be the Light Force that you already are. Be Brave and Compassionate and Steady. We WILL get through this…and we WILL get to a better place. Believe!


The Core of Our Strength”:

And at our Core…is our Spiritual Warrior…our Warrior Energy. This is that Core, that place so deep down inside us that there is no end to it. Our Core is like the Core of the Earth…forever burning bright, hot, and full of Power and Energy. It is the layers of worry, doubt, and fear that we throw on top of our Core Strength that dampens the flame.

Our Core Self will never abandon us, or run out of Strength. It is built in to us, for the purpose of holding us steady. That is what a Core does…it holds what is around it steady. It is the foundation, the rock solid axis on which we spin. So…our Core Strength can never forsake us…and we should trust it and rely on it. Believe in it…and believe in ourselves.


The Wheel IS turning. Have Hope and Faith. Love and Be Loved. And strike your best Warrior pose in Strength.


“The Warrior Within”:

A Spiritual Warrior has the magic swordlike quality to cut through the cr*p…to cut away the old, stale layers to get to that True Nature. It is time to wield that sword and strike through the muck…cleanse it away…and allow the True Self to emerge. To cut away the attachments That hold us back so that we can move freely into the future. Only then will we know our True Path. And when we do this with single-mindedness and awareness…then anxiety and stress will dissolve and we will find the gift of perseverance comes to us to aid us in walking our path in Total Trust.


Seek your Source, Spiritual Warrior! Draw your Source to you, let it flow into you, and fill you with its Power, your Power. Each and every Warrior has its own Source of life, of energy…draw from that unique and powerful well of Spirit that is you…for there is no other like you…and we need You.


“Radiate Love”:

Love is the single most powerful thing that will get us out of this mess. Be Love. Radiate Love. Share Love. Allow yourself to Be Loved. Embrace Love. Give Love. Love Yourself. Love Unconditionally. Love is the opposite of hate. Make Love…and send hate packing.

From my heart to yours…


Faith In The Future ~ Repost



Good Monday Morning! I find myself compelled to re-post this message as so many people lately have been wondering about the current chaos and the future. In my stats, many of you have been accessing this post…so I am re-posting it again today. May it give you something to take into your week that brings some peace of mind. Hang in there, stick together…and Shine Your Love and Light! Blessings!


Today I felt the call to seek my “Gifts of Affirmations” cards by Amy Zerner and Monte Farber and see what message they have for us today. As always, the card I pulled speaks to us as we navigate through this awkward and difficult time. The card I pulled was…

Gift of The New:   “I Have Faith In The Future I Cannot See”

Message: “ Use this gift when you are worried or anxious. These feelings are usually caused by our attachment to either a particular outcome or to wanting to know exactly how things are going to turn out. We have the power to change our future. How many of our past worries never came to pass?”


from The Desk of MarDrag:

With all that is going on in our lives and the world right now, it is hard not to worry and have anxiety. But consider that…so much of that worry is anticipation about what might happen and how we will be able to handle it. We can spin many tales in our minds and hearts about the “worst case scenario”, and then hold on to it, creating deep anxiety and stress. And sometimes, that energy helps to create what we are most afraid of, because that is what is foremost in our minds.

So, consider the act of staying in the moment and not projecting into the future. In this very moment, are you ok? Is what you are worrying about still just a thought, or has it happened? Is there still a chance a solution can be found? Have you worried in the past about something that never happened? Do you worry to the point of damaging your quality of life?


There is a saying: For every problem there is an equal solution. A problem cannot exist without its counterpart, the solution, or then it would not be a problem. Believe that. Every problem absolutely has an equal solution. It is called the Law of Polarity. There is an opposite side to everything. If a problem exists…then the opposite of it, or solution, must also exist.

Now, focus on the Belief in the solution, instead of just focusing on the problem, and the channels open up so the solution can flow through. That is where the Power is. And in doing this, we eliminate all those moments, hours and days of anxiety and we retain some quality of life as we go through the difficulty.


Just because we can’t see a solution in the moment…does not mean it is not there. And just because we have a problem(s) does not mean we have to allow it to color every area of our life, or define us, or feel bad about ourselves, or lose our daily dose of joy or peace. Do not give the problem that much Power. Keep your Power for the solution.

Have Faith that the future you cannot see contains what you need and desire…and that energy will help to create those things rather than building on the problem. Have Faith that, just as you have done before, you will pass through your difficulty and thrive.


Blessings and Love!

The Hero



I was doing my daily peruse of news articles and blogs today and found myself reading so many pieces written about people who are turning out not to be the people we thought they were. Many people, from government representatives to business executives, charity organizers to community do gooders, organization creators to major name athletes, and even well liked characters on our favorite tv shows. One commenter on a blog wrote the well-known line, “How the mighty have fallen”.

In this current technological age we live in, where the finest and most hidden details of a person’s life can be found out in a “hot minute”, the term “hero” struggles, because even the best of people can be brought down by just one moment in their lives. And those that try to show themselves as good people or “heroes”, but are really not, are also found out quickly…and we are disappointed. Our heroes are falling…and there does not seem to be many coming up to follow in their footsteps.

So where do we look for the best example of a hero to hold up? We look within.


I am reminded of the lyrics to a Mariah Carey song from many years ago that was one of my favorite songs ever:

“And then a hero comes along, With the strength to carry on; And you cast your fears aside, And you know you can survive; So when you feel like hope is gone, Look inside you and be strong; And you’ll finally see the truth, That a hero lies in you.”

You have a hero within you…..the one that gets up every morning and faces with day with courage, as best you can, and walks through your day doing all manner of important things to care for yourself, your family, your job, other people…making your mark on the world no matter how big or small. You bravely face this world full of things to be worried and frightened of….and you carry on anyway. You find the strength to march through it all, work hard, try to make a difference, and have the courage to say, I will not be defeated….if even just for today.


YOU are the Real Heroes! So, today, be your own Hero, and hold yourself up in great esteem. Walk tall, head held high…and do not look outside yourselves for a hero…for that Hero lies in You.



Never Enough Of…



I was out in the world this weekend…struck by the negative attitudes and general bad behavior that seems to be such a part our existence these days. It saddens me so much…likely because I am old enough to remember a kinder gentler time when this was not how it was. So I start the week with a reminder to us all…no matter what is going on…there is never a reason to forget to…








Thursday “Door Post”


A few months ago, I started joining a Thursday challenge I happened upon over at fellow blogger Norm 2.0’s blog…posting amazing pictures of unique doors. I collect pictures of castles and their fantastic doors, so it was a pleasure to join in. Here is my contribution for this week.

Such a simple door in such curious surroundings…imagine the wonder beyond! Enjoy!


Back From The (Moving) Abyss



What is that I see?? A bright shining white light? Is it at the end of this proverbial tunnel “they” keep talking about? The Moving Tunnel has taken me on a long and winding road.

Oh yes…I have finally reached that light at the end of the moving tunnel…and it is good. I do not recommend moving a business and a home at the same time, but it had to be done. At the outset, I thought, no problem…better to pack it all up at once and move all at once. Half way through I started to second guess my decision…and stamina…and suddenly I was in a vortex leading to the abyss of moving darkness where boxes overtake your existence and reams of packing material attack you in your dreams. I had been, living, tasting, eating, sleeping, drinking, and everything-in-between moving for so long I began to forget what normal existence was like.


But…I survived! And out of it came some interesting revelations. First, for an old gal, I can still strut my stuff. Good to know. Second, I can pack! I became a tetris queen of fitting things in boxes and using up space. Awesome! And this brings me to the greatest realization…which was about…”Space”. And how much we think we need…and why.

I moved from a large house with a loft and plenty of room and then some for my stuff. I have gathered meaningful things I like to keep with me, of course. But moving is so great in showing us what we really need to hold onto, and what we can let go of. I decided to downsize my living space because I want to do some traveling…and because I began to realize that…I just don’t need so much “space” around me anymore. And then I started to really think…why? What has changed for me that I feel this now?


You know, we all watch and enjoy HGTV and seeing all those happy people find their dream homes and make them into just what they are looking for. One of the things I consistently hear on all of those shows from the home buyer is…”I want a lot of space”. Or, it “needs to be open”. Or, “it’s a bit tight in here but it might do”. Things of that nature. And some of the rooms they are saying that in are huge rooms with more than ample space. Like a master bedroom…for two people. How much room do you actually need to be comfortable?


And what about “Space”? What is the true meaning of “Space”? Is it just the open air we have around us…or could it mean something else, like the space we have inside us.

It was this I realized…I do not need as much space around me because all the empty spaces within me have been filled, or I am looking at them to determine what they need to be filled. I came to the conclusion that if we are cluttered and messy within…then we feel we need wide open space around us to be and breathe. BUT…I also determined, for myself at least, that having worked on myself/life issues, I have filled those empty spaces inside me and now feel I have as much space and air I need…so I do not need such grand and sweeping space around me to feel free or “open”.

Just like the peeps on these new HGTV shows about “Tiny Living”, finding tiny homes to live in so as not to take up all their money and effort on keeping a living space, but to spend that on traveling, or their hobbies, or some other worthy adventure. You know, filling themselves up with delight, happiness, and empowerment and not needing so much “stuff” to make them happy. They are happy with themselves.


An interesting concept this is…as I spent most of my life definitely not being happy with myself. I am mostly there now, but the journey continues. However, it is nice knowing I have reached a certain…comfortability with myself…and my surroundings now align with that.

It is good to be done moving…it is good to have learned this amazing lesson…and it is very good to be back here with all of you. I hope you have been well and I look forward to catching up on all your blogs!

Love and Blessings!