“Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


It is that time again…so I hope you find a bit of comic relief here today and it makes you Smile and Laugh!! Thank you so much for stopping by. My Love and Blessings to you All!
















All pictures are courtesy of Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.

Weekend Inspiration ~ What To Do With Worry



I decided to write this post because I heard this word a great deal this week…Worry. There is a plethora of things to be Worried about today, isn’t there? We not only have our own personal Worries, but now we have major global Worries too and all that Worry does not allow us very many moments of Peace, does it? It sounds like Worry has become a prevalent thing, something that has become a part of daily life. And that bothers me…because Worry is not the natural state we human beings are supposed to live in. Yet circumstances have led us here.

So…I wanted to share a little trick I use to help me stay out of the ”Worry Whirlpool”. I have used this trick for a long time and taught it to others…with great success and results. It is simple and makes sense.

Here’s the thing…in any given day, there are some things we can change, and some we cannot. But we Worry about them all, which can stop us from living life. So try this…if there is something we can and is possible to change in the next 15 minutes, go do it and make that change and move on. But, if there is no solution to be had in that 15 minutes…then just for those 15 minutes…let go of it and do not Worry. It’s only 15 minutes…and if nothing can change…then why Worry about it. What good would Worrying do in that 15 minutes if that Worry could not change anything.


And by the way…Worry NEVER changes anything. It can’t…so why do we give so much Power to it?

Now…when that 15 minutes is up…look to the next 15 minutes. Repeat. And so on…until we can retrain our brains out of the Worry Whirlpool and teach it that Worry is useless. It only takes our energy that we should be spending on finding a solution or being happy in our lives until the thing can be resolved.


Nowhere is it written that we have to suffer through our problems. We suffer through Worry…we solve the problems. Make sense? And too…how many of the things we Worry about happening actually ever come to be? Think about it.


Without all that Worry playing out…we have energy and time to actually be present in our lives and experience it moment to moment no matter what that moment holds. We spend so much time Worrying about the past, and what the future will hold, that we miss the enjoyment of just being ourselves in the now. Which is the best part of us.


I hope you will try this bit of a trick and allow yourselves a break from Worry. Start to imagine what you could do with all of that time and energy used up by Worry…15 minutes at a time.



Thoughts for The Day ~ Repost



“When we live with a solitude of the heart, we can listen with attention to the words and the worlds of others, but when we are driven by loneliness, we tend to select just those remarks and events that bring immediate satisfaction to our own craving needs.”   ~ Henri Nouwen

MarDrag’s Thoughts:

I have to admit, I kept passing this quote and then coming back again to ponder. It took me awhile to understand and why it attracted my attention so much, but also made me want to look away from it. Solitude and Loneliness can be difficult aspects of life to endure. But as I read this, the difference between Solitude and Loneliness emerged from the mists of the quote. For to be Lonely is to be missing something, to yearn for what is not there. To lament and feel sorry to be alone. But Solitude is the wanting, the desire to be alone, to spend time with oneself in quiet to listen to “life” and its messages. One is external…and one is internal. One we look outside ourselves for validation of and collect words, tunes, songs, sighs and whatever else that feeds it so we can revel in the evidence that proves we should close our hearts. But one…true Solitude…in this we are open and listening and pondering and being…able to quiet the mental chatter and chatter from others so that we can listen to the world and others…and truly hear.


“Remember the child you once were…filled with imagination and wonder? You felt you could do and be anything. That child is the essence of who you are. The wonder is still there inside. It is your limitless spiritual power.”   ~ James Van Praagh

MarDrag’s Thoughts:

It is my belief that one of the worse things that happens to us as we grow into adults…is that we lose that spontaneous wonder with which we looked at the world as a child. Before we were conditioned by that world around us. I also believe that that childlike wonder does not go away completely. It lurks, and shows itself when we fall in love, or play with our own children, or see something that gives us joy. So, if instinctively we know it is still there…what if we let it out? What if we did not take ourselves so seriously and had a little fun? Even if we know there are things of a serious nature around us, what if we looked at them with the wonder of a child who believes in the possibilities of hope and peace. A child does not know “not possible” for they do not yet know the limitations of the adult world. Let us let our inner child’s imagination out and see what we can create then!


 “Your Light is seen, your heart is known, your soul is cherished by more people than you might imagine. If you knew how many others have been touched in wonderful ways by you, you would be shocked. You are far more wonderful that you think you are. Rest with that. Rest easy with that. Breathe again. You are doing fine. Better than fine. You are doing great. So relax. And Love yourself today.”  ~ Neale Donald Walsch

MarDrag’s Thoughts:

There is nothing to add to this quote but that…I posted it today for all of you…as a reminder of who you are and how Magnificent you are. Believe it in its most awesome Truth…and do Love yourself today.

I send Love and Blessings to all of you. May Love and Magic touch your life today. You deserve it!


“Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


It is time for our weekly chuckle post…and there are some hi-larrrrrious ones this week. Laugh long and hard…Love strong…and Stay Steady. Blessings!



















All pictures are courtesy of Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.


Weekend Inspiration ~ Be Kind



Listen…this is a tough world we live in…for now hopefully. And just going out into it every day and interacting with people is stressful. We hardly know what to expect one day to the next. But…I so believe…that we should not stop trying our best to be Kind to one another, as well as ourselves. If we carry Kindness in our hearts and share that with others, it will make a difference. At the very least, it will let the Universe know we have not forsaken our true nature and forgotten to Love, Care, and Be Kind. We must continue to carry the torch of Love and Kindness as we move forward. It will be what saves us. Blessings!











All pictures courtesy of Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.


Thoughts For The Day ~ Repost



“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.”  ~ Martin Buber

MarDrag’s Thoughts:

On our Journey, our Life Path, there are Destinations we see, aspire to, and reach. Destination is what keeps us going, with the desire, hope, and success of reaching them. BUT…we cannot always know every Destination life has planned for us. Some Destinations are secret…because they either hold a tremendous reward, or a profound lesson. Those Destinations are a combination of our efforts on our Path and the forces of the Higher Powers, Destiny if you will, that guide us on our Path. If we knew every detail or every end point, than would we see a need to even make the effort? Life’s little tricks! In addition, our Paths and Destinations change all the time, depending on our Choices and Decisions.

Experiencing Life is our Purpose, the Destination is the cherry on top. And isn’t Destiny a form of the word Destination to begin with? So, it is our Destiny to reach our Destinations. That may help us worry less about how we get there and enjoy our Path more fully along the way.


“Even the smallest changes in our daily routine can create incredible ripple effects that expand our vision of what is possible.”   ~ Charles F. Glassman

MarDrag’s Thoughts:

Sometimes, we can get in rut. We repeat the days, over and over, focusing on our obligations, work, and families, etc…and we can forget about the Magic of Life. That Magic that swirls and hangs outside our normal routine. That routine creates a circle around us, and very little gets in that is new. So, to bring Magic back into the circle, back into our lives…all we need to do…is make a small, simple change. Just start with one. Walk a different way today. Take a different route to work. Go to a different grocery store. Take up a new hobby. Reach out to someone you have not heard from in a long time. Something. One thing…Different. It is amazing how that can Create Change…and can open our vision to so many new possibilities. Get Creative. Go ahead…try it. Just to see.


“Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth. Tame the dragon and the gift is yours.”  ~ Noela Evans

MarDrag’s Thoughts:

We have all heard the phrase about “taming our dragons”…meaning overcoming our challenges to reap the rewards. It is one of my favorite quotes…because of the Dragons. I have made friends with mine, and they are now my companions and guides rather than a symbol of negativity or difficulty. Both the words Challenge and Dragon conjure apprehension, fear, and “battle” in most people. But, as the quote says, both words also hold a great gift…if we can look past the fear and face them. Dragons are formidable creatures, but are lovers of treasure, and hoard it, saving it for special gifts. If you are friends with a Dragon, it will share its treasures with you. But, it also wants to know you will cherish the gift and use it well. Challenges are much the same. They hold a gift, buried within its lesson, and if we “tame” it…that is face it straight on and, through right action, come to its resolution…then there is a sparkly, rich gem of wisdom there for our taking, to treasure and use through our life.

Wouldn’t we rather have the jewels…than a dusty path with no pebbles or hurdles at all? And it is those pebbles that buff our Spirit into the Warrior that it is. So tame and make friends with those Dragons. All that glitters…is yours.


“Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


Well, I just got done reading the news…so what more perfect time to post a blog full of humor and funnies to take the pain away. Wink! Enjoy, Laugh, Love, Smile! Blessings!



















All pictures courtesy of Google Images and Pinterest and credited where possible.