Weekend Inspiration ~ Just Give Hugs!



I had an entirely whole other different blog to post for the weekend…and I will post it next week…BUT…with the energy and happenings we have all been dealing with this past week…I decided to post this blog. I heard so many times from so many people this week, including myself, that they just needed a Hug. It has been very difficult navigating through all of the muck, and still trying to carve a moment of peace, or joy amid the chaos. So…we all need…and well deserve…a weekend full of Hugs!

Whenever you can, to whomever you can, and certainly to all your loved ones…Just Give Hugs. Quick ones, long ones, funny ones, tight ones, electronic ones…but just give them. AND…don’t forget to receive them yourself, even if you have to ask for one…do it. Hugs Heal The Heart and Soul and nourish us. Just Give Hugs! Blessings!














All pictures are courtesy of Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.


“Getting Over the Hump Day” Humor


Whew…it is Hump Day again! Is it just me or is time moving all too swiftly these days. Soooo…we need our weekly comic relief to help us through. There are some good ones today, so laugh your buns off and have a great day! Blessings and Love To All!



















All pictures are courtesy of Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.

A Matter of Resolution



In yesterday’s blog post, I talked about The Power of the Will and what it can do to drive our lives in the right direction. When we make a choice about our life, or a direction we want to go, or something we want to create…if we put The Power of Our Will behind it, to guide it and convey our determination to see it through to success…we are more likely to reach our goals or success.

But…what if we do this…and it still doesn’t turn out the way we thought, wanted, or hoped?

This subject came up in several conversations with multiple people this week, so I am compelled to write about it. Because sometimes, no matter how hard we try or how completely we direct our Will…things take a different turn and move another way. And we can get disappointed or discouraged, and begin to feel helpless.


BUT…(and there always is one!)…when that happens…can we say that, what did actually happen was not for the best…even if we are disappointed? Because sometimes…we do not always know what is best for us and/or “all” in a given situation. We have a perspective…from our position…but is it always right on the mark?

I say this because it came to me that, while we do and should pray for our wishes and dreams and direction to be fruitful…there is still the chance and idea that something even better is possible, but we had not looked far enough or known what could be possible.


So…as we put our Will behind our Prayers…perhaps another way to ask is…

“For the Best Possible Resolution for Myself and for All involved”.


Many times what we “want” is not what is best for us. So if we are struggling with trying to make something happen, or praying our hearts out, or pushing our Will to make it happen…it might, but to our detriment…or it doesn’t happen, and we question why, when we wanted it so much.


Back up into an observer position and ask ourselves what it is we “really” want. And then put The Power of Our Will into asking for Creation and Resolution to/of what we desire that will be the best for ourselves and all.


We can’t control everything, but we can have control over how we use The Power of Our Will for the Best Resolution. Remember… Directing the Will from our inner Wiser Self always guides us to the right course.




All pictures are courtesy of Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.

A Matter of Will ~ Repost



I wrote this blog last year, and it came up in a conversation last night, so I was prompted to post it again. May you enjoy it a second time. Blessings!

“Tis in ourselves that we are thus or thus. Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.”  ~ William Shakespeare

“Most of life’s actions are within our reach, but decisions take willpower.”  ~ Robert McKee

“So many of our Dreams at first seem Impossible, then they seem Improbable, and then when we summon the Will, they seem Inevitable.”  ~ Christopher Reeve

“There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of the determined soul.”  ~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox

“Do or do not. There is no try.”  ~ Yoda

“The star of the unconquered will, he rises in my breast. Serene and resolute and still, and calm and self-possessed.”  ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
”When the will is ready the feet are light.”  ~ Proverb
”Nothing can withstand the power of the human will if it is willing to stake its very existence to the extent of its purpose.”  ~ Benjamin Disraeli


from the Desk of MarDrag:

In the old, tattered and dog-eared pages of the worn hard cover copy of my Oxford American Dictionary that still sits on my desk (collecting dust), the definition of Will is as follows:

WILL: The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action: Diligent purposefulness; determination: Deliberate intention or wish: Self-control; self-discipline: A desire, purpose, or determination

Merriam Webster describes Willpower as:  energetic determination

I like all of these descriptions and definitions, my favorite being; “the mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action.” There is also a common word in all of the definitions: determination.

If we put “deliberately chooses or decides” together with “determination”, we have the perfect characterization of the Will. And we all have one. We use it every day in fact (to different degrees), even when we don’t realize it or are not conscious of it. We use it for small things like completing tasks, or getting the hubby/wife to do something we want them to do, or big things like creating businesses or the next great invention. And we use it for all those things in between.

The thing is…we use our Will frequently, and yet, we may not give it the conscious attention, focus or acknowledgement that we should. It is what we do with our Will, or for many, don’t do, that carries us along our paths in life.


If we would like to craft our lives in the fashion that we want to live, be who we desire and aspire to be, have the things we desire to have, and stop living at the affect of those things that would seem to control us….then we need to change our focus from “why?, I can’t, I don’t want to” or “I don’t know” to “I Will”. And I do not mean the “I will do such and that”. I mean the I WILL which deliberately chooses and makes the decisions of our lives and executes those decisions with determination until the result is to our satisfaction. It is a subtle yet powerful distinction. And one that can change our lives and propel us to realize our potential and that we have the power to overcome our resistance to use our Will in all its positive power.

I am not speaking of Willpower so much as the Power of the Will.


Acknowledge your Will and the influence it has on your life. Then gain command of it by making deliberate choices about yourself and your life, always striving to direct your Will in a positive direction. When we practice letting go of, “Why aren’t things going my way?” to “I will direct my energy in the way I want things to go, and with a strong Will behind it”, then we empower our lives to move in the direction that we wish it to go. If we are honest with ourselves about that direction, and we make sure it is a positive direction toward perfect love and perfect trust, then we need not fear or worry about where it will lead us. Directing the Will from our inner Wiser Self always guides us to the right course on the right road. The one we are truly meant to take.


Do not be afraid to acknowledge your Will. Do not be afraid to use it, but be clear, honest and good in your choices in how you use it. Choose to be empowered in the name of goodness and love, Will that you live your life in abundance and peace and that the rest of the world rise to the goodness of Will as well. A thousand Wills, and hundreds more, one by one…and we can change not only our own life, but the life of the world.



“Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


Another week whooshes by as we find ourselves sitting on hump day and needing some comic relief. So let me help!! Here is my weekly offering of giggles, laughs, and guffaws. May your hump day be bright and full of whatever you want it to be. Blessings and Love!

















All pictures courtesy of Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.

A Week Starter


Be Yourself

Best Wishes.jpg


All pictures are courtesy of Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.

Weekend Inspiration ~ Don’t Give Up ~ Part 2



I knew what I wanted to write for this post, but when I went looking for pictures and quotes to go with it, the ones I found just spoke so completely what I wanted to say that I will let them bring the message. They are in a certain order, so read through…and I hope deep in my heart…that it brings some comfort to you. Many Blessings and So much Love to All!













All pictures and quotes are from Google Images or Pinterest and credited where possible.

Thank you to the lovely souls who posted these quotes.