An Energy Shift



Yesterday we had a rare Full Moon called a Super Moon, and it came in the sign of Aries. I won’t go into all the details about Super Moons and the Aries connection…you can look all that information up on that there Google thingy. 🙂 But I did want to mention it today because…it is the beginning of a major energy shift…into the Positive Energy phase.


Whether you believe in this type of thing or not…it still lends a wonderful message to begin our week with. Whether any of this is “true”, I personally believe in the power of the universe, planets, our suns and moons and how they relate to our energy flow. It is all connected as we are all connected and then connected to all things in the universe so…well, you get it.


Soooo, let us take this opportunity to Believe that we can harness this shift in energy to the Positive phase…because we really need it now. AND, it is said that what we believe we create.


Let us move into this week Believing we are in a Positive Energy Phase and draw that into ourselves, our minds, our hearts, our souls and, at least, change our negative thoughts to positive. It DOES make a difference, in our own lives…and in the world.


We must Believe this negative energy right out of our existence and Believe Positive Energy back in. We CAN do it. We MUST do it. Stay Steady, Compassionate, and Strong!!





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