Stay Steady And……



Tomorrow is a big day and no matter where you land on the political scope…it is going to be intense and unsettling. So I want to remind us all that…though we may not be able to control what is happening…we CAN still have control of our own worlds, thoughts, actions, and feelings.


We can’t allow all the hype to penetrate so deep that we forget it is our response to it all that makes us miserable or ok.


Even though we may feel we are being sucked into the negative wave…remember…


We can panic and become worried and uncertain when things do not “look” like we think they should and it unsettles our peace of mind…


But we can’t wait for everything to be perfect in order to be at Peace…So…


The one thing we can all have command of is our thoughts, actions, and response to what is happening…so let us make a good choice for ourselves and…



Let us make a conscious choice to “view out there” while we stay Steady, Strong, Positive, and Peaceful within ourselves and our lives and worlds. Remember that things are changing rapidly moment to moment…and that means anything can happen. Let’s make that a Positive thing!



All images are from Google Images with credit to quoters where possible.