Take A Mental Rest


I did not used to be too much of a worrier. I took things in stride and realized that life is full of ups and downs and in order to manage them, I had to look at the bigger picture when uncomfortable things happened. I wrote a bit about this here on the blog. The idea that, even though things are rough at the moment, they do not stay that way, and we always move back up the hill from the valleys and stand in the sun again.

My recent health struggles have changed this concept for me a bit…and I started to worry more, which caused me stress, which elevated my blood pressure, and made me even more uncomfortable. So…I am on a mission to change this and regain my mental balance. One trick I use when I find myself tripping over thoughts and worries is to visualize those things marching in a straight line right out of my head, leaving my mind open, quiet, and peaceful again. What tricks might you have to help yourself back to mental balance?

So my message today is…Take A Mental Break. Whatever is troubling you or causing your thoughts to obsess…let it go. March it out of your mind and take a break from it. We must not let our fears take control…and it is through our thoughts that they do.

So join me this weekend in Taking A Mental Break…find your Peace…and do something you really enjoy. Everything else can wait. And with a clear mind, we can see further to a time when these worries are not part of our existence any longer.

Enjoy your weekend! You deserve it! Blessings!

Rest 1

Rest 7

Rest 2

Rest 4

Rest 5

Rest 6

Rest 3

11 comments on “Take A Mental Rest

  1. Thanks MarDrag, Great advise! I also when bothered with overwhelming and obsessive visions….I’m holding a remote in my hand and simply “Change the Channel” and find a new vision that’s positive and fun. Good to see you back and feeling better!

  2. I am sending you Love Mar.. and yes taking a mental break is good advise ..
    Some times I think Mar we who know best often do not follow our own advise.. I intend to get out my art paint brushes more this week, and step back a little from trying to keep abreast of all the blogs I follow…

    You take care of YOU Mar.. and I so hope you gather strength and renew your energy..
    Love to you ❤ Sue xxxx

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