Monday Message ~ Go With The Flow



Good Monday Morning! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the Spring weather and holiday. In preparing for today’s weekly message, the Runes called to me this time. So I held the velvet bag that contains the stones in my warm hands and asked what message they would impart for us to follow this week. As I pulled “The Book of Runes” by Ralph Blum close, the Rune that fell into my palm was:


Laguz: Flow, Water, That Which Conducts

Message (paraphrased): Unseen powers are active here, creative and fertile powers of Nature. The attributes of this Rune are water, fluidity, the ebb and flow of tides and emotions, of careers and relationships. Laguz fulfills our need to immerse ourselves in the experience of living without having to evaluate or understand. It speaks to the desire for comfort and the satisfaction of emotional needs, to the lunar side of our nature. For, while the sun strives for differentiation, the moon draws us toward unity and merging.

This Rune often signals a time for cleansing: for revaluing, reorganizing, realigning. A Rune of deep knowing, Laguz may call you to study spiritual matters in readiness for self-transformation. Success now lies in contacting your intuitive knowing, in attuning to your own rhythms. A Rune of the Self relating rightly to the Self, Laguz signifies what alchemists called the conjunctio, or sacred marriage. In fairy tales, it is the end where the hero and heroine live happily ever after”.

Flow 1

from The Desk of MarDrag:

Go with the Flow. We have all heard that phrase, often! And sometimes it is not as easy as others to follow its advice. But Laguz is telling us today that, no matter what circumstances may look like, go with the Flow of what is happening. There are unseen powers and energies at work around us that help contribute to where our paths take us. It is these forces that are active when we are creating, or working to create something in our lives…a new job, a projects success, manifesting a relationship, maintaining our current path. Our job is to keep to our spiritual work on ourselves, evaluate what we think we really want from life, and stay in touch with our intuition and our own rhythms to help guide us to self-transformation.

The Flow of life is much like the flow of a river…there is a current our lives ride along on our path. The river twists and turns, and sometimes has to find a way over rocks and pebbles and obstacles…but it always trickles through and polishes those rocks until they are smooth and the Flow can resume its natural path.

Mist at Tone River

So, if there are obstacles in the way, go with the Flow, and it will work itself out, naturally. We cannot push the river. It Flows at its own pace, as our lives have their pace too, and we must trust our paths, our rivers, the nature of our Flow, to instinctively know its direction. Sometimes we understand the direction, but sometimes it is not as clear until we reach the bend that takes us in that direction. It is not always possible to understand why things happen the way they do. So, we must Trust our Self and our path…and go with the Flow.


11 comments on “Monday Message ~ Go With The Flow

  1. Love this – go with the flow. I try to myself. I really do. 🙂 XOXO – Bacon
    P.S. Did you get my email I sent you last week? I was thinking of you when I saw something great.

  2. Thank you! This is very nice and true. Yes ask for what we want and works tours it, but going with the flow, instead of stressing and worrying and pushing. Just gooo with the floooow
    🙂 😛

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