Wednesday ~ “Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor


Good Hump Day Morning! I bring you our weekly humor post…though there was precious little humor around to find this past week. But I do hope you find a chuckle or two here and that it adds a bit of Light to your day. Love and Blessings to All!

Good Morning

Coffee Tank Top

Wake Up

Three Wise Women




Fitted Sheet

Disney Sweater

bay Face

Ice Cream


Cat Moving

Jazz Dog


12 comments on “Wednesday ~ “Getting Over The Hump Day” Humor

  1. Oh dear piggy heavens – these are great – as usual!!! Love, LOVE them my sweet dear friend. Thanks for the chuckles. Have a great ‘hump day’. XOXO – Bacon

  2. I am reminded of the saying from Wayne Dyer .. when he says to say ‘Good Morning God!.. 🙂 as he embraces his day in gratitude, and not Good God its morning!.. ” or something along those lines.. We each pour forth our intentions into our days… And humour is a good place to be.. 🙂 Hugs Sue xox

  3. A Great way to start a Saturday LOLs
    Thank you, I know I will smile and chuckle all day thinking of these
    Take Care…You Matter…

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