About This Energy!


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I am writing this post as a bit of a message from me…no cards, Runes, or oracles today. Just me.

The current energy flow is knocking us around…tossing us like leaves on a windy day. We get up in the morning and try to be “normal”…but this energy that is permeating our world seeps in and begins to take over, and we are affected by it. With all that is going on around the world…this flow of energy is dastardly. Everyone is feeling it. And having a rough time managing through it. World events, weather, and personal woes have accelerated with this energy, and it “looks” like no matter what we do, it is difficult to rise above it. In my work these recent weeks, I find myself repeating and reinforcing the same message, reminding people of a few things that will help with this process, and encouraging everyone to stick to these things, to not allow the rampant forces to overwhelm us. I share those things here too, in hopes it will help in some small way.

The most important thing is…we do not have to allow this energy to take over our lives. Even though it is rampant and strong and permeating…we still have command over our Personal and Sacred Spaces…and we must not let this energy lead us to believe anything else. It would have us believe that we have no choice but to succumb to it…but that is not the Truth. And does not have to be “our” truth. Once we take this in and believe it, we can do something to reinforce our energy and personal power.

So, the first thing to do is…Cleanse and Get Grounded. Whatever your spiritual or religious beliefs, there are processes, prayers, meditations, and rituals for Cleansing and Grounding. Do them. Often. I have just such a process I teach, and do myself, and it helps so much. Just yesterday morning, I did my Cleansing process and felt and saw the sludge of negative energy cleanse from my system and aura…and I felt so much better for having done it. I then Grounded my energy with the Earth Mother, reset my Boundaries, and declared my Sacred Space clean and clear. I was able to go on the rest of the day Balanced and Centered. Even though “that energy” was still near, I was better able to keep it outside my Boundary and not allow it to overtake my day and mood or affect how I felt and related to others.

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Much of the angst we are all feeling is not connected to anything in our own lives. I have heard so many people say, “I don’t know why I feel this way, nothing is really wrong” or “I don’t understand why I can’t get out of this funk” or “I am crying all the time and I don’t know why”. Certainly, we all have issues in our lives to deal with…but with the enhancement of this negative energy, those things seem bigger and harder to manage. But, the real issue is…much of the negativity we are feeling is because of the global negative energy that is rounding this planet. If we can remember that…and Cleanse ourselves of it as often as possible…it will make our own issues easier to handle. And…it will press back on the global negative and help to change the flow.

Each time one person Cleanses, Grounds, and gets their Light shining again….it connects with another who does the same…and that gets the Light flowing again. It is so imperative that we do not let this dastardly energy win by allowing it to take residence in our lives. Yes, we must deal with it and the world’s problems and find solutions, etc….but we do not and must not allow it to become the norm. We must fight it…and fight it by using our Light and the tools we have to keep our own space, our own lives, our own hearts and souls clear. By doing this…we contribute to the collective Balance and Peace we all wish to see become reality. That reality begins with our own lives…and from there spreads and flows into the world energy.

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So, let us each consider and focus on what we can do to keep our own energy Clear and Grounded, which helps us to operate and be in our lives in a better way, which helps the collective. It is a ripple that begins with each individual. This is how we can make a difference right now, in our own lives and in the overall energy.

Stand in the center of the circle of our life as the Spiritual Warriors that we are, raise our swords, and declare that we shall vanquish this dastardly foe…one moment at a time…one day at a time…one Light circle at a time…and as each of those connect…we begin to build a circle of a far different nature…and Balance and Peace become possible.

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(If anyone wants to know about the Cleansing and Grounding processes I teach, please feel free to contact me at the email address on the contact page. There are two blogs about Boundaries posted last week if you would like to reference that process.)

Go out in your life today and be that True Self that you are no matter what is happening around you. Remember…our Core Self never changes…it is always there to support and guide us…even when we feel everything else has overwhelmed us. Be the Light Force that you already are. Be Brave and Compassionate and Steady. We WILL get through this…and we WILL get to a better place. Believe!

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And, from my Heart and Soul to yours, I send you Love, Light, and Support! May each of you be filled with Love and Peace this day!


14 comments on “About This Energy!

  1. Thank you Mar!

    This is very important and powerful blog, I thank you for helping us through these times. Your words of encouragement and advice DO help!

    May your days be filled with Love and Peace as well 🙂

  2. Dear Mar, this is a profound message that others should hear right now and Like you say many are being tossed around in a sea of confusion and uncertainties as the energies are ramping up..
    I so enjoyed this post Mar I feel others should hear it.. So I am going to Reblog this as many I feel will relate to this post right now..
    Thank you Mar.. Love and Blessings..

  3. Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:
    Today is a day I am putting aside to paint.. But I just had to share this post from the Desk of MarDrag , She eloquently describes what many are feeling right now as the Energies around us alter and shift. A Great message as we are being bombarded on all sides right now is to not allow the negative to overtake us.. But she encourages us to ramp up the love and to not get overwhelmed by the forces we are being subjected to..
    I hope you read it in full as she also can advise on how to cleanse and ground yourselves..
    Have a wonderful Day and THINK PEACE..
    Love Sue

  4. Oh, this is lovely!!! 🙂 Like you are teaching us to put on an armor to prepare us for battle 🙂 So inspiring! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂 I do believe the LIght will win in the end 🙂

  5. Read every word and felt there is so much to learn from your experience in this field. We must choose the process which best suits. I find breathing techniques and processes are also excellent to blow out any negativity which may have crept in.

    Thank you!

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