ABOUT ME ~ Updated


I am first and foremost a woman who has lived a lot of life, experienced all the ranges of success and failure, and survived it all by learning from my mistakes and lessons and discovering how to make better choices from those life lessons.

I have studied various therapies, religions and spiritual practices and taken from them a great deal of information and many profound and positive experiences and lessons that I have applied to my life that have made it rich. All of this life study had led me to, and helped me with, my personal growth and in finding my true path and purpose.

I am also a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counselor who assists people in achieving empowerment over life issues and challenges. I learned so much valuable information about the mind and how it works in my studies. As well as valuable tools that I applied and combined with my other learnings, to develop a series of meditations and processes designed to help achieve a powerful way of life that enriches and empowers and teaches how to overcome adversity while still maintaining a positive and happy lifestyle. Yes, it is possible!!

I recently facilitated a Women’s Group to share all this information I had accumulated, because I saw such a need, and the group was very successful. So successful, that I decided (and was encouraged) to compile the material into a book. I am working on that now. I believe the information in the book, and its simple format, will help people to recover their own empowerment, which is so desperately needed in this crazy world we live in. I have seen it happen, and I have a passion to help others achieve and find their remarkable True Self!

I am deeply spiritual and believe in Love, Compassion, and Kindness. It is my Life Purpose to be there for others, and I take up that mantle gladly. I work with people both in house and by phone, so should anyone need anything, or you wish to explore the work I do, please do not hesitate to contact me by email, listed on the contact page.

I have an amazing adult daughter that I am incredibly proud of and who is a success on her own. I am a voracious reader and love all manner of books, from those I study to history to the proverbial sappy and sexy love stories that I read for guilty pleasure! I am a writer and a poet, an artist, a candle maker, and a home trained chef. And, I take great pleasure in writing this blog for you, in hopes that through my meager words, you find Inspiration.

Blessings To You!

61 comments on “ABOUT ME ~ Updated

  1. I have personally known MarDrag for many, many years and I wanted to share with her followers how important she is in my life. Just a regular gal she says….well, MarDrag saved my life! When I became homeless, had no job, no transportation, no money and moved to a new city…MarDrag brought me into her home with her little daughter and said to me, “here is a key, the couch is yours, the refrig is full and now you have the space, time & loving support to find your way”. I did find my way and with her assistance, wisdom, patients & food ( not just to feed my body but also food that fed my Soul), made it through one of the lowest & most challenging times of my life. I will always be so very grateful to MarDrag for believing in me as, she mentions above, an important thread in the fabric of life. I’m so very glad to see and read her blog. To the many other ‘threads’ of the tapestry, I know you will enjoy her wisdom & powerful words as I do.

    So, Congrats MarDrag on your new blog, it’s about time the world gets to know you, your kindness, your extraordinary wisdom and big beautiful heart! Throughout all Time…..Thank you!

    The Crystal Mountain Ranch
    New Mexico

  2. I am so proud of you, mom!! I knew this would be an amazing thing for you! As always I wish the best for you and love you know matter what!

    Your DD!

  3. MarDrag, I just found this page. From your writings, I knew your were an amazing person. But the comments above sealed it for me. You have a huge heart.

    Blessings to you, my blog friend.

  4. I got nosy and started poking around your site, Mardrag! I’m glad I did as now
    I know what “DD” means, as well as what she means to you! I, too, have a DD~
    and she is the love of my life.
    I am becoming very fond of your site, and I see many more are noticing the
    notes from your desk! Good luck to you, and may your blessings come back to you
    Thank you for your wonderful words.
    Please keep them coming.
    Your friend in New Jersey,

    • Feel free to poke! 🙂 And yes indeed, my DD is my darling too. How lovely for you that you have a DD that means so much to you.

      And, thank you for your kind words. I am very glad you find something here in my words that speaks to you. It is my mission and desire to help people, so I am pleased to do what I can with the blog and my work.

      May you be Blessed as well dear friend in New Jersey, Bev!

  5. I have so enjoyed hearing your thoughts,
    I look forward to wandering through your blog….
    Thank you for sharing you ….
    Take Care…

    • Thank you Lady Blue Rose! I also enjoy your blog immensely as I am a child of the Goddess and everything that springs forth from that…your poetry is lovely and I look forward to wandering through your blog too. Many Blessings!

    • Mary…thank you so much for this! It is much appreciated. I will be putting up a post this weekend and including this. I am very touched you thought of my blog for this.

      May your day, and life, be full of Many Blessings!

  6. I just came across your blog, and I am glad that I did. Thank you for the inspiring story, encouraging words and positive outlook and energy. Thank you Mar!
    Will be looking forward to reading your posts.

  7. I love your blog. I love your approach to the quotes that you post; how you think about the meaning and share your thoughts. I often follow the daily prompts on wordpress and find that my responses end up being a bit to focused on my own experience. You take the quotes and provide your views in a way that means something to others. Thank you for this. I might try it myself some time, but not to post on my blog. Just to clarify my thoughts on subjects that mean something to me.

  8. Hello!

    I’ve been lucky enough to find some great blogs on here, just by random blog surfing and links from comments. Yours is no exception! Keep up the great work- looking forward to following!


  9. One Year!!! Wonderful! Can’t wait to see the history in another year, how many hearts touched, how many lives changed and may your heart keep singing to us all! Blessings to you my darlingk Mar!

    • Sloan…Thank You for this honor!! Please just know that I am so appreciative at receiving this award, but I am no longer posting awards on my blog. I simply do not have the time to do all the requirements and I do not want to post them without heading the proper protocol. So…I hope you accept my sincere gratitude and, it coming from you is special, because I admire you and your blog as well. I hope you had a wonderful holiday and I wish you all the magic, love and light you deserve in the New Year! Blessings!

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog. It gave me the opportunity to come see yours. Nice your short biography. I love people who help others and I’m glad to make your acquaintance. Looking forward to following your journey 🙂 God Bless

  11. I hope you are having a good day at your Desk today Mar..

    Thank you for being such a wonderful Earth Angel.. There is an Angel Award awaiting you here at Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary..

    Earth Angels ~ Angel Award

    May you continue to spread your inspiration, Love and Light around the world.. Love and Blessings.. Sue xx

  12. Mar, I have just now read your amazing about page, and it really seems you and I have so much in common. From out of our incredibly deep and intensive life, brings forth now, Wisdom, and Love, and Compassion. So many lately have crossed paths with me, and I see them rising to the “Call”, that desperate call the world has been shouting. The Earth, this precious Blue Planet and all who share Her Beingness, are in such need of healing. Many are heeding that Call. As I said that, my soul deeply sighed. It is with great honor you are in my life, for you have blessed it immensely. Every time I read one of your notes, in some way it touches me deeply. I thank you for the Holy Work you do. May we who do This Work, inspire and encourage and LOVE one another, so that we keep strong to keep on going in this inside out, crazy world. Bless you! Bless you a hundred fold for those you touch! Love, Amy

  13. Dear Mar… just so you know I have been thinking of you.. And hope you are recovering from your illness… Sending thoughts of love and Healing your way.. Wishing you well… Love Sue ❤ xxxx

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